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Here you'll find the latest press releases from ANTOR Denmark, plus useful news about future prospects of international tourism.

May 2020:  Press Release

April 2020:  Press Release

March 2020:  Press Release


If you have any PR inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact our chairman, Bo Schou Lauridsen





Latest Edition

OECD Tourism Trends and Policies, published biennially, analyses key policy and governance reforms in tourism. The report is an international reference and benchmark on how effectively countries are supporting competitiveness, innovation and growth in tourism.


World Tourism Barometer

The UNWTO World Tourism Barometer monitors short-term tourism trends on a regular basis to provide global tourism stakeholders with up-to-date analysis on international tourism.

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Trends & Prospects

European Tourism 2018 - Trends & Prospects:

  • Publication year 2018

  • Online date Jul 2018

  • Language English




The future of tourism will be impacted by large-scale social, economic, political, environmental and technological changes, bringing new and often unseen challenges, threats and opportunities.

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Economic Impact

As one of the world’s largest economic sectors, Travel & Tourism creates jobs, drives exports, and generates prosperity across the world.



The country, that tourism has taken by surprise!

What happens to an economy when a country has a sudden and unexpected influx of tourists? Iceland offers intriguing lessons about the impact on cities, the environment and even food supply.


UNWTO World Tourism Organization


Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - Tourism


European Travel Commission


European Tourism Association

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